“Google Me” may threaten FB

Google is soon to launch its social network “Google Me”. Google’s first attempt at social networking, Orkut for example (Google’s own Facebook) is a successful website in some countries.

According to some reports, Facebook is on “lock down” for the next 60 days. Though this is just a rumor which has not been officially confirmed, it may be true to think that Facebook is nervous about Google’s future product.
But Google doesn’t have a bright track record when it comes to social network. Orkut only saw success in small pockets, Dodgeball & Jaiku were purchased and both were thrown away, and Google Buzz had serious privacy problems at launch.

Still, Facebook has enough to worry about to warrant “lock down” not until Google finally rolls out their new service. It will be interesting to see if Google Me can get some real traction, and stay away from privacy concerns which seem to be plaguing the company recently.

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2 Responses to “Google Me” may threaten FB

  1. Tsiremo says:

    Sign me up, lol..if Google Me is anything like Google Wave, I’ll stick with Facebook…but it’s a good news, im getting bored with FB

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