Microsoft Releases Massive Patch Tuesday Security Update

Microsoft plugs 34 security holes in a Patch Tuesday update with 14 security bulletins. Of the eight critical bulletins, Microsoft rates four as the highest priority for enterprises. Microsoft released 14 new security bulletins in Aug. 10’s Patch Tuesday update to cover nearly three dozen vulnerabilities. Fourteen is the largest number of security bulletins ever released by Microsoft on Patch Tuesday. Eight of the bulletins are rated critical. Of the eight, four are considered by Microsoft to be high priority: MS10-052, which resolves a vulnerability in Microsoft’s MPEG Layer-3 audio codecs; MS10-055, which addresses a vulnerability in the Cinepak Codec used by Windows Media Player to support the AVI audiovisual format; MS10-056, which deals with four vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office; and MS10-060, which resolves two vulnerabilities in Microsoft .NET Framework and Microsoft Silverlight. Another bulletin that may require particular attention is MS10-054 Continue reading here..

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