Chrome OS to Google Tablet Not a Good Match

Though Google hasn’t announced yet its plans to introduce a Chrome OS-based tablet, Google should bypass its Chrome OS, instead should go with Android, the company’s other mobile operating system that boots its Google’s smartphone market.

A report this week from tech news site Download Squad predicted that Google-branded Chrome slate could arrive in time for the holiday shopping season. If this is true, Google should rethink its strategy. Chrome OS, a browser-based operating system that stores all of a computer user’s applications and data online, is a bit too fanciful for today’s mobile-Internet reality which isn’t always reliable.

Chrome OS was developed for highly and persistently connected devices, thus, the device and the operating system are highly reliant on a dependable connection. But the reality for many consumers today, even with mobile broadband, is that connectivity isn’t as reliable, either for Wi-Fi or mobile broadband.

On the other hand, Android, by comparison, is a more pragmatic solution for today’s wireless world. It is the most viable media-tablet operating system to compete with Apple’s iPad. It has many of the right elements, including an app store associated with it. And it would be wiser for Google to pick its battles and put all of its chips behind Android.

Meanwhile, according to recent reports, Android 3.0 will be Google’s first mobile OS that’s fully optimized for the media tablet’s larger display and navigation features. Version 3.0 may arrive as early as October.

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1 Response to Chrome OS to Google Tablet Not a Good Match

  1. Bon says:

    hopefully google will choose android OS, it would give a total connectivity between mobile and slate users!

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