Yahoo Messenger Mobile now supports voice and video call

I just recently got an update for Yahoo Messenger’s App in my iphone and now it supports voice and video call. The voice call works fine and will definitely be useful, while the video requires a front-camera. (iphone 4)



Here’s the update info provided by Yahoo:


The YM’s chat interface with the new 4 icons  on top; Send Picture, Free SMS, Video, Voice Call.


According to the info provided by Yahoo, the new Yahoo Messenger allows users to make video calls over both Wi-Fi and 3G to anyone around the world — whether the person on the other side is using a front-facing camera-equipped phone or a computer. The application also allows users to make voice calls to landline and mobile phones for a “low cost.”

Yahoo Messenger for Mobile is also available for other smartphones such as Android, Nokia, and BlackBerry.

Update: Oct 13, 2010We tested the video call and it works on 3G and 3Gs. If you’re calling from iphone to PC make sure that the PC is using YM ver 10.
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2 Responses to Yahoo Messenger Mobile now supports voice and video call

  1. gerald says:

    yung iTouch ko may YM din.. pwede rin kaya voice call sa iTouch 2nd gen?

  2. Bons says:

    engr. it might be possible, the 2nd generation iPod touch supports a mic (using the Apple earbud). You should update now, and let us know also… =)

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